NBFC Summit    Media Coverage

The right blend of People.Process.Technology.

Do you know why most digital transformation efforts don't yield as much potential as they should for businesses?Digital Transformation is less about technology and more about people and processes. Dive into the journey of optimizing workflows, improving agility, and enhancing customer experiences.


In this inspiring key note at the Indian NBFC Summit & Awards 2023 by Synnex® Group, Mr. Shishir Bagla goes beyond Digital Transformation and shares the key to ensuring sustained productivity and excellence.



The need to go beyond Digital Transformation and focus on shaping a better future.

Many NBFCs (Non-Banking Financial Companies) prioritize technology over people and processes, leading to disjointed efforts that are not future-proof.The key question is how to ensure productivity and growth for the years to come, not just for the present.

Balancing technology with people and processes is vital for shaping a better future, as it prevents disjointed efforts and promotes long-term success.

It's imperative for an organization to implement changes that are not just for today but are adaptable and relevant for the years to come.

By modernizing to cater to the preferences of both tech-savvy millennials and Gen Z, as well as traditional customers, this strategy acknowledges the diversity of our customer base and strives to enhance the overall stakeholder experience.