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An API toolkit built on open source, pluggable into an APP, provides high performance ‘Desktop to Mobile’ imaging solutions for documents used in process automation workflow.

Overview Of ServoImage©

Modern-day App Developers are often able to leverage the power of development environments and MADPs (Mobile Application Development Platforms) to the hilt. But when it comes to building Mobile Apps with powerful imaging-rich features like management of images or digitized documents, it is not easy.


The ServoImage is an API Toolkit, Image Processing SDK, built for addressing multiple business problems that involve images. The API can be used in Apps like Customer Onboarding, Loan Origination, etc. By using this API within your Apps, you can reduce the time and effort required to build the Apps for areas where document images are required.

Various functionalities provided help you in business cases where transportation of images from the mobile device to the server is required instantly. Since images can be compressed and converted to standard multipage image file formats, viz. TIFF and PDF, the requirement for bandwidth is reduced and customer experience also enhances greatly.

Advanced Features and Capabilities of ServoImage©

API Toolkit For APPS

Utilize ServoImage API Toolkit for image solutions in Apps like Customer On-boarding, Loan Origination, and more.

Built-On Open Source

Built on open-source libraries like OpenCV, ZXing, this API serves Apps needing document images on Android devices.

Image Correction Module

Fix distorted images with trapezoidal and skewed issues and generate usable corrected images.

JPEG To TIFF Conversion

Create multi-page TIFF from Android images, merge multiple JPGs to one TIFF with minimal bandwidth.

JPEG To PDF Conversion

Produce compressed multi-page PDFs from Android images, convert multiple JPGs into a single multipage PDF.

Ease of Use

Compatible with Android, low bandwidth, efficient on low-power devices. Enables quick on-source conversion of JPGs to multipage PDFs.

Breakthrough results delivered across BFSI


Auto Image Enhancement

Easy Document Segregation


On Device execution

Integration Friendly




Trusted By Industry Leaders


Simplify Complex Paper-Based Processes With Efficient Images API Solution

Simplify the way you work with advanced technology and the speed of digital. Automation empowers you to manage content across multiple platforms of your business effectively. Intelligent digitization is the key to transforming paper-based content into virtual assets. An efficient images API solution eliminates the vulnerabilities involved in paper-based operations and fosters digital content management. An advanced business landscape and flawless execution can significantly improve overall efficiency and business productivity.
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